Thursday, October 17, 2024

yes, it's me

I have the kind of autism where my speech does not match my thoughts. Some individuals cannot speak at all but can say anything with communication boards and speech tablets.  They are available to everyone on Amazon for $20-$700, and Penn has custom versions for $41k.

I'm not saying my writing is so stellar it's hard to believe a normal person is behind it. I'm saying I'm so amazingly awkward irl. If awkwardness were like a beautiful singing voice or mathematical genius, I win with preternatural ability to ruin a party by my breathing and blinking.  Awkwardness isn't enough, ask someone who was born in Korea what 어색하게/어색한 looks like.

Why can't I speak like I write?   It's not that I can't talk, it's that when I'm at the dentist or doctors or work or new restaurant or anywhere else but in my bedroom in the dark with my headphones on, I am concerned with a dozen functions on par with am I speaking normally.  I'm pretty good on the phone.

Intonation, sincere but not obsessed or objective but not cold
Colloquial v formal, thug hoodlum grunts or off-putting college dropout brown female putting on snooty airs
Am I squinting and possibly emoting wtf?  I squint like if you were a map and I'm in a very boisterous place and need to focus to get to the next point ASAP in order to keep up at a minimum
Am I counting tiles or the buttons on your shirt and creeping you out or invalidating by not making eye contact?
I think I have to fart
Is my sweat obvious?  Do I look nervous, suspicious?  I'm chill.  As chill as I can be.

No one asked, but I haven't been able to get my hair cut bc I'm freaked out about having to get my car towed from the Giant/Haircuttery/CVS parking lot, it's like Hatfield Town Square.  Every time I've gotten a bang cut it was bad, and I was promised if they knew me better, come back in two weeks, then given the sort of bangs where no one believes I speak English.

I'm sorry your dad barged in on you on your off day.  Sounds like the perfect occasion to partake and get creative with cottage cheese and siete brand kettle salt and vinegar.  Throw in some kalamata and 3 blistered cherry tomatoes.  And I swear to god, fig jam or grape jelly only one chip though.   Headphones are a good idea, but I find noise cancelling headphones while with people communicate: I am in my bubble, please do not disturb, I am in pain, I may explode, which is ok but may not be what you're trying to achieve.  I wear my noise cancelling like kevlar, bc sound has the effect of weaponry on me.  I have just as conspicuous normal ear buds for when I'm with a group of people, but are received with no hostility.  The over the ear can lead to ear sweat/acne, traction alopecia, and isolation.  The noise cancelling is magic.  Sound and noise illicit my nervous system how your nervous system may to an unexpected people's elbow.  My dad is dead, and my stepdad and stepmom kicked me out after he died.  I tried living with them twice before North Wales.   I'm very annoying and I don't know how to fix it.  They found my Hatfield Apt and signed the lease before talking to me.  If I smell I have told the leaseholder I think there's a cat haunting my apt with urine.  I'm told they cannot smell anything and I'm hsp.

Your dad sounds like a goof and I think he wants to be your best friend and is on speaker to provide examples of what being his best friend might look like.  What concert?

Everything is settling in.  I actually love water flossing, the physicsl results are satisfying.  Two almost lip bites.  My natural overjet is a pain.

Came home and slammed some granola that's been ripping my mouth to shreds for a week.  Today,  I dominated all the random clusters.  A few slivered toasted almonds as well. All on milk, I'm not suicidal.

2 pears, Bosc and Bartlett, that I normally would have peeled then boiled, today I took to the face without chopping or pureeing, fuggin shark chomp, burst the skin myself glorb those so juicy.  I shoulda taken a photo of the clear teeth marks.  CSI beautiful.

Which mouthwash?

yes, it's me

I have the kind of autism where my speech does not match my thoughts. Some individuals cannot speak at all but can say anything with communi...